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Volume 43,2023 Issue 9
Volume 43,2023 Issue 9
2016,36(1):1-4, DOI:
2016,36(1):5-9, DOI:
Wang Cheng, Sun Baosheng, Zhang Jian, Gao Mingxing
2006(2):81-82,85, DOI:
This paper analyzes the problems existing in the production safety in China's mines.The authors consider that the three main aspects influencing the production safety of China's mines are production environment,techniques and equipments,production management,and suggest countermeasures to utilize advanced scientific technology and establish a perfect and high-effective safety management mechanism in order to strengthen the production safe of China's mines.
Li Qiang, Wan Liangbiao, Liu Zhende
2008(5), DOI:
2002(6):1-3,59, DOI:
Wang XifuZhang YoudiZhang Daxian
1999(4):8-11, DOI:
Because semicontinuous process system has many links, the coordination of links and the types of equipments in the system have greatly influences on its production capacity. This paper mainly makes research on the coordination of links and mode selection of equipments in mines semicontinuous process system, So that the operational efficiency and total productive capacity of this system can be increased.
2008(5), DOI:
Zhou Wei, Bai Zhongke, Yuan Chun, Yuan Tao, Qian Mingjie
2008(5), DOI:
地形是区域自然环境的重要组成部分,数字地形分析为人们研究地表演化过程提供了全新的技术支持。基于1∶10000比例尺DEM数据,在数字地形分析的基础上,对平朔露天煤矿区原始地貌和人工堆垫地貌的高程-平面面积、高程-地表面积和地表水系结构进行了对比研究。结果表明,人工堆垫地貌较原始地貌高度增加20~100 m;面积随着高程变化而变化,相同高程情况下人工堆垫地貌的表面积要比原始地貌大。人工堆垫地貌较原始地貌的面积在海拔1475,1425和1350 m处变化幅度大;矿区地貌景观特征发生了巨大的变化,人工堆垫地貌呈塬面水平梯田形,顶上平坦,坡面为凸形;人工堆垫过程引起原始地貌地表水系的自相似性遭破坏,人工堆垫地貌出现了环形和放射状水系,现代水系格局尚未定型。
2008(5), DOI:
From the background,manners and effect,this paper makes a comparison on the mineral resources development and utilization between foreign undeveloped regions and western China,and illustrates the enlightenment of foreign experiences to mineral resources development and utilization in western China.
Deng Ming, Zhang Guoshu, Qin Ruxiang
2008(5), DOI:
2000(6):1-2, DOI:
Starting from the concept of safety exploiting depth,the authors analyzed the relationship between safety exploiting depth,mined thickne ss and the critical deformation of structures,thus obtaining a proper method fo r the determination of safety exploiting depth,which plays an important role in d etermining whether some protective measures should be adopted for underground mi ning and surface structures.
Chen Ye, Chen Jianhua, Qin Hua
2008(1):32-34, DOI:
A series of experimental studies were made on the effect of amide collectors with different length of carbon-chain on flotation behaviors of hemimorphite,quartz,dolomite and limonite.Meanwhile,the effect of the carbon-chain length on collecting ability of amine had been discussed.The results showed that when pH value of solution is between 9 and 11,there was the best recovery of hemimorphite,the selectivity of amine to hemimorphite is increasing with the increase of the carbon-chain length,octadecylamine has better selectivity and collecting ability to hemimorphite.
ZHANG Zhi-cheng, XIAO Zheng-xue
2000(6):37-40, DOI:
The authors classified the fracture-controlled methods f or rock mass blasting,summarised and analysed the fracture-controlled meachnism of the common methods,discussed the parameters for fracture-controlled b lasting and their application effect.They pointed out that the devel opment prospect of fracture-controlled blasting in rock mass is extensive.
2002(6):4-6,15, DOI:
2000(6):8-10, DOI:
In the exploitation of underground residual pillars at T onglushan Mine,some noval and unique mining techniques such as advance cutting ,sequential slice-caving and bench-pushing forward etc. were used to solve the p roblem of technique and economy unification satisfactorily in the process of re sidual pillars recovery.Some good technical effect and obvious economic benefit were achieved.This technology is possessed of better referential value and wide application prospect.
2008(5), DOI:
Yang Lu, Gao Yongguang, Hu Zhenqi
2008(5), DOI: