Abstract:Wanfu Coal Mine is located in the juncture of Chengwu County and Juye County in the south-west of Shandong province,China.The thickness of the overburden soil layer is up to 700 m in the mine.The deep in-situ stress measurement has been carried out by using hydraulic fracturing technique in this mine.Based on the in-situ stress measurement,the geological Structure in Wanfu Coal Mineis analyzed in detail.Through the in-situ measuring by using 7 boreholes in which 37 measuring points were chosen,the in-situ stress state and its distribution law in Wanfu coal mine are obtained.The measured in-situ stress field shows a good accordance with the regional tectonic stress field,so that the reliability and correctness of the measured results have been proved,and it offers some scientific references for the construction and mining design of the coal mine.